
10.4取出文字或字串向量中的部分元素str_sub().函式str_sub()可以取出取出文字或字串向量中元素的部分文字.str_sub(string,start=1L,end=-1L).引數start與 ...,Extractandreplacesubstringsfromacharactervector.Description.str_subwillrecycleallargumentstobethesamelengthasthelongestargument.,str_sub()extractsorreplacestheelementsatasinglepositionineachstring.str_sub_all()allowsyoutoextractstringsatmultipleel...

Chapter 10 文字與字串資料處理| R 資料科學與統計

10.4 取出文字或字串向量中的部分元素str_sub(). 函式 str_sub() 可以取出取出文字或字串向量中元素的部分文字. str_sub(string, start = 1L, end = -1L). 引數 start 與 ...

Extract and replace substrings from a character vector.

Extract and replace substrings from a character vector. Description. str_sub will recycle all arguments to be the same length as the longest argument.

str_sub: Get and set substrings using their positions in stringr

str_sub() extracts or replaces the elements at a single position in each string. str_sub_all() allows you to extract strings at multiple elements in every ...


str_sub() extracts or replaces the elements at a single position in each string. str_sub_all() allows you to extract strings at multiple elements in every ...

Get and set substrings using their positions

str_sub() extracts or replaces the elements at a single position in each string. str_sub_all() allows you to extract strings at multiple elements in every ...

Get and set substrings using their positions — str_sub

str_sub() extracts or replaces the elements at a single position in each string. str_sub_all() allows you to extract strings at multiple elements in every ...

str_sub function

str_sub: Extract and replace substrings from a character vector. Description. str_sub will recycle all arguments to be the same length as the longest ...

How to Use str_sub in R (With Examples)

The str_sub() function from the stringr package in R can be used to extract or replace substrings in a string. This function uses the ...

The “str_sub” Function in R

The str_sub function from the stringr package is used to extract a substring from position 5 to 15 in the character vector sentence.